CIS234N C# Programming


Part 1 Assignment




This is the assignment for the material in Part 1 of the course.


To complete this assignment, read the textbook chapters 1 - 6 and work through the projects. Also, run and study the code samples for Part 1 that are contained in the CIS234N folder that you downloaded from the course website. In order to complete the assignment you will need to use some of the material from the code samples since not everything you need will be found in the textbook.


In this folder (Part1Assignment) you will find two projects:


You are to make the following modifications to the projects.


DailyRate Complete


1.  Modify the program to catch input errors so that non-numeric data will cause an exception that is caught by a  catch block. In the catch block all you need to do is issue an error message. You do not need to correct the input.


2. Add complete documentation to the project. This includes comments at the start of the source code that contain your name, the date, and a description of the program. Also, document each and every method with a description of what it does. Also, add individual comment lines to the code where needed to explain.




MathOperators Complete


1. Modify the program to allow floating point numbers as input. Currently it only accepts integers.

2. Modify the program to add a radio button that computes the square root of a number.

3. Remove any unnecessary code that you find in the original project.

4. Add complete documentation to the project. This includes comments at the start of the source code that contain your name, the date, and a description of the program. Also, document each and every method with a description of what it does. Also, add individual comment lines to the code where needed to explain.



What to submit:


Submit two separate projects to the Assignments Box. You may compress both projects in one folder if you wish.