CIS 234N C# Programming

Part 3 Assignment

To complete this project you should study Part 3 Creating Components in the textbook which is chapters 14, 15, and 16. Skip chapter 17 Operator Overloading. Also, see the code samples in the Part3 folder.




For this project create a console application (not a Windows application.) 


Use the Class Properties code sample as a guide. It contains a Tester class and a Person class. Create a new console application that contains two classes. A tester class and, instead of the Person class, a class of your choice.  In your class create at least two properties. In the Tester class, create a few objects of your class and make sure the properties work.


Indexers, Delegates and Events


For these two topics, you should merely read the chapters in the textbook and the sample code I've provided. You do not have to create a new project for these topics.